Monday, January 18, 2010

How much direct control should public opinion play in the development of public policy?

What do you think about this topic?How much direct control should public opinion play in the development of public policy?
Sounds like democracy to me!

Big fan of the popular vote.

The representative democracy we have is not in my opinion truly representative all the time.

Once reps are in the are subject to the pressure of too many special interest lobbies %26amp; keeping an eye on what is going to get them re- elected in their own region.

Case in point is having Gore win the popular vote only to have it nullified.

The electoral college is an anachronism %26amp; only sometimes reflects the will of the people.

Public opinion swayed the govt in the Vietnam era %26amp; is doing so again in the Iraq era.

Problem is it comes after the horse has left the barn.

Govt needs to be accountable %26amp; comply w/ the peoples will

instead of shooting first %26amp; asking questions later.

Wish it were as simple as that.How much direct control should public opinion play in the development of public policy?
No direct role. Remember, we are a republic, and elect representatives to handle this stuff. Your influence is your vote; no more than that.
Little. The media controls public opinion.
The public should have a huge say in what happens. We elect people to listen and represent us...not to do what the corporations want done, like it is happening now. If they don't then it turns into a totalitarian regime.

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